In my web meanderings, I’ve come across a club I think Laura and I should join: the Order of the Science Scouts of Exemplary Repute and Above Average Physique. More or less a gang of scientists—profs and students—at UBC, who have founded a growing collective to network, discuss science communication, socialize, and drink, not necessarily in order of importance. They preach the “truthâ€Â. And they have some really nifty badges, as shown on their home page. (And yes, they have a group on Facebook.)
By way of our education and our books, Laura and I qualify for a few of them badges already. Heck, if you are reading this, you probably qualify for the tadpole badge yourself. And if we just upped the science content of this blog a bit, another one could be ours. Not sure I want the monkey one though.
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Laura says:
November 11, 2008 at 3:47 pm (UTC 0)
Or if you’re a scientist and badges aren’t your thing, you could join the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientistsâ„¢. Assuming you have luxuriant flowing hair, that is.
This bit of nuttiness comes courtesy of Improbable Research, the folks who award the Ig-Nobel Prizes. They’ve just put their entire back catalog of their magazine Annals of Improbable Research online for free. Check it out for a laugh!
Laura says:
November 11, 2008 at 10:05 pm (UTC 0)
And hey, Tamiko (and other DNA-savvy types), check out the nifty song linked here—you might get a chuckle out of it.
Jude says:
November 12, 2008 at 6:35 pm (UTC 0)
Badges? We don’t need no stink’in badges.
Gingerbread house contest?
Got to go!
I see a badge in my future – crap no badge but you do get a t-shirt. (if top 3)
Mireille says:
November 15, 2008 at 1:10 pm (UTC 0)
Wait a second. You guys can’t join. You ARE in the business of world domination, are you not? See, you’re not eligible. See! See!
Ah-ha I get the badgering badge (-;
Peter Cook says:
November 15, 2008 at 3:28 pm (UTC 0)
Mireille, when we’re in charge, you’re SO gonna get yours. 😉