Cute vid of cat in bath—who seems happy about it! (via Neatorama)
As opposed to Photon, who spends most of bathtime on her hind legs trying to get out, and so who needs two of us to keep her in the tub.
Cute vid of cat in bath—who seems happy about it! (via Neatorama)
As opposed to Photon, who spends most of bathtime on her hind legs trying to get out, and so who needs two of us to keep her in the tub.
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James says:
December 30, 2007 at 6:16 pm (UTC 0)
Cobalt gets almost all her baths at Urban Dog, but we keep getting A+++ report cards about her behaviour. And she’s been very cooperative the few times we’ve bathed her at home.
Has Photon taken to swimming yet?
Tamiko says:
December 31, 2007 at 2:37 pm (UTC 0)
I thought it was just our dog, Teagan, who hated baths! She looks like a drowned rat in the bathtub and she makes it known once we let her out that she is NOT happy with us!
David "Legal Beagle" Barker says:
January 3, 2008 at 11:32 am (UTC 0)
I had them sign a waiver that I didn’t have to bathe her while they were away. But I still had to take her to see “I Am Legend” because of the dog, and she can’t jump off the couch to get her own tennis wiener, because, as she tells it, it’s too far.
Laura says:
January 6, 2008 at 1:06 pm (UTC 0)
The annoying thing is: Photon loves swimming. She’ll plunge into the lake at the cottage for hours. She even likes getting soaked in the rain—maybe not at first, but once wet she’ll get super-energized and happily tear around outside and inside. Even after the bath she doesn’t seem to hold too much of a grudge against us (and that’s saying a lot, since she can certainly hold a grudge!) as she’s too busy rubbing herself on the couch trying to get rid of the shampoo smell.