Our subject (We’re both going to contribute to this post, since the experience was quite different inside and outside the pen. BTW, some of these photos link to our Flickr page, which means that you can see bigger versions by clicking on them, then clicking on the “All Sizes” tag above the photo.) This morning …
Category Archive: Photon
Moment in Time II
Photon plays keep-away with her Cuz squeaky toy dinosaur. Being a herder, sometimes when Photon plays keep-away she does it by running right at you.
More names Photon’s been called
In addition to ones noted in a previous post. Proton (by a dog class instructor who, after two sets of classes could never get Photon’s name straight.) Botox (admittedly I might not have said it very clearly when I first told them.) Protein
Rally-O video
Here’s a video of Photon and me doing our practice rally-o trial at our last class yesterday. I’ve annotated all the stations so you can see what we’re supposed to be doing. Halfway through at the Halt — Call Front — Finish Left station Photon immediately started going right instead of left, so we redid …
In his May 22 post Jon mentioned that Photon was going to yet another “doggy class”. Indeed she is, and looking over her academic career, I realized that after this one she’ll have completed five courses. Not bad for a year-and-a-half old! What are all these courses, you ask, and what on earth is Miss …
Want Mustelid on your dog?
aka My Owners Filed Their Taxes But I’m the One That Got Otter-ded Dateline, 11:30 Saturday evening, Georgian Bay. Photon is out on the darkened beach for a quick pee before bed, Peter at the base of the steps of the deck. As Photon starts her return, a sleek black blur darts across the beach, …
Anime dog?
On walking the dog this morning we met up with a couple of teenage girls who started doing the usual “oooh he’s so cute!” coos to Photon. Then one of them came up with a comparison that I hadn’t heard before: “He looks like Pokémon!” Left: The Pokémon character Pikachu; Right: Photon. Any similarities?